Chocolate Chip Cookies


  1. Flour two cups 
  2. Baking powder one teaspoon 
  3. Egg one 
  4. Sugar four tablespoons 
  5. Brown sugar two tablespoons 
  6. Chocolate chips half a cup 
  7. Walnuts half a cup 
  8. Vanilla essence one teaspoon 
  9. Cooking oil one cup

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Add baking powder to flour and sift twice. 
  2. Coat the walnuts. 
  3. Add sugar, brown sugar, vanilla essence and cooking oil to a bowl and beat well with an electric beater or fork. 

4.Add flour and mix with a spoon, then Add the chocolate chips and walnuts and mix. 
5.Grease the baking tray and pour this mixture from a small distance through a piping bag or a spoon. 6.Preheat the oven at 180C for fifteen to twenty minutes and bake these cookies for fifteen minutes.

Full preparation time                        25 minutes
Cooking time                                     20 minutes
How many people is it for?                8 persons

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