Elon Musk's humanoid 'genius' robot walks on stage

Elon Musk, the head of the American automobile company Tesla, has unveiled the humanoid robot 'Optimus' powered by artificial intelligence at an event.

According to Reuters, billionaire Elon Musk says that the value of the robot business will be much higher than that of cars.

In this event held in the state of California, a humanoid robot walked on stage and greeted the guests by waving their hands.

A video was also shown on the occasion in which this robot called Optimus is picking up boxes, watering plants and carrying iron rods in a car factory.

Speaking at the event, Elon Musk said that his goal is to develop useful humanoid robots as soon as possible.

He said that there is currently a lot of work to be done on the robot Optimus to make it more useful.

Elon Musk added that currently these humanoid robots lack brains and do not have enough intelligence to perform tasks on their own.

Speaking at the event, Elon Musk said that Optimus will be a highly intelligent robot that may be produced in millions and will cost $20,000 to manufacture, which is less than the cost of a car.

Before the unveiling, Elon Musk had also tweeted about the robot, saying that the event will showcase advanced technical skills in addition to recruiting engineers.

Initially, Optimus will perform menial tasks at Tesla's factories, including bolting vehicles with a wrench.

Elon Musk says that in the future, robots will also be used in homes and will be used to prepare food, mow the lawn and take care of the elderly.

The chief technology officer of Agility Robotics, a company that manufactures robots in the United States, says that as humans think and work quickly, it is very difficult for robots to do the same and this fact will not change even if there are human-like robots. Make it.

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