India's nuclear submarine missile test to target Pakistan and China

New Delhi: War-obsessed India has tested a new ballistic missile from a nuclear submarine.

India, which threatens the peace of the region by increasing the arms race, has tested a new nuclear missile.

According to Indian media, India has tested a nuclear ballistic missile. Indian officials have claimed that the new nuclear ballistic missile will be able to be fired from a submarine on the bottom of the sea and this new missile will be able to target Pakistan and China.

The missile was tested in the Bay of Bengal. India is the sixth country in the world to have nuclear-armed submarines. The US, Russia, UK, France and China have nuclear-capable submarines.

India has about 150 nuclear warheads, and is capable of launching them from land, sea and air. The state declared a no-first-use policy, which means it has committed not to use nuclear weapons first in a conflict.

Pakistan keeps its nuclear warheads separate from its missiles and will deploy one only if it is to be used. Unlike India, Pakistan has not declared a no-first-use policy, choosing instead to emphasize smaller battlefield or "tactical" nuclear weapons to counter India's larger and superior conventional forces. .

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