It is the moral responsibility of the Western countries to help flood-affected Pakistan - UN

Geneva: United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres has called on major industrialized countries to come forward to help the flood-hit country as Pakistan is suffering from severe climate injustice.

According to the World News Agency, United Nations General Secretary Antonio Guterres blamed the major industrialized countries for the flood disaster in Pakistan, saying that these countries are responsible for 80% of the emissions of dangerous gases that caused climate change and Glacier melting, unpredictable and higher rainfall than in the past have led to devastating floods in countries like Pakistan, which have a negligible contribution to greenhouse gas emissions.

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres said that Western countries, which have contributed a lot to climate change, should help the flood victims of Pakistan, it is their moral responsibility. Today Pakistan is affected by flood but tomorrow our country and our communities may also face this sudden disaster.

It should be noted that the United Nations General Assembly has unanimously adopted a resolution urging donor countries and organizations to provide full support to rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts.

This is not the first time that the United Nations has appealed for help to Pakistan's flood victims. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recently told the United Nations General Assembly after a visit to Pakistan that floodwaters in Pakistan have covered three times the area of ​​Portugal.

Antonio Guterres had warned on the pandemic that public health in flood-ravaged Pakistan is on the brink of collapse. Cholera, malaria and dengue fever “will bring destruction by flood. Yesterday, the United Nations appealed to Pakistan to immediately provide relief materials for the six and a half million flood victims.

Similarly, the spokesperson of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Matthew Saltmarsh, also warned that Pakistan is facing a huge challenge in which 1,700 people have died while 12,800 people, including 4,000 children, have been injured. About 7.9 million people were displaced, out of which only 6 million people have access to shelters.

Meanwhile, Pakistan has achieved another major success in the United Nations. A resolution on the destruction of climate change will be passed in Pakistan, which was also supported by China, America and Russia.

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