The US President Granted Amnesty To Prisoners Serving Time For Possession Of Cannabis

Washington: US President Joe Biden has ordered the immediate release of all prisoners arrested for the crime of possession of cannabis, granting amnesty.

According to the World News Agency, US President Joe Biden announced amnesty for those convicted of possessing cannabis and instructed the governors of all states to take steps to release these people.

President Joe Biden said that thousands of citizens have been convicted of crimes simply because of the possession of cannabis, which also deprives them of jobs, homes and educational opportunities.

The US President said that just because someone was found with cannabis, they should not be imprisoned. My amnesty will also ease the growing pressure on prisons and allow those imprisoned for minor crimes to start a new life.

President Biden expressed surprise that we still think of cannabis as a heroin-like drug. Now is the time for the Secretary of Health and the Attorney General to review the cannabis laws and make recommendations for amendments.

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