It is possible to avoid many diseases by walking daily

LONDON: Walking and jogging are the world's best forms of exercise and now there is more scientific evidence for their benefits. It has been found to reduce the risk of diabetes, blood pressure, insomnia and depression.

In this regard, 6042 people were given physical activity recording devices. It turns out that regular brisk walking is very beneficial and every step you take takes you away from disease and closer to health.

Research has shown that brisk walking is an enemy of blood pressure and diabetes and keeps physical functions at their best. Although evidence of this has been found in the past, this is the first time medical devices or wearable devices have been used to confirm this. These devices were worn in daily routines and linked directly to electronic health records (EHR). Many institutions of the Department of Health of the United States were also involved in this research.

The data from this study revealed several medical benefits of the Harata step. In this survey, a total of thousands of people wore Fitbit-like devices for ten hours a day and their activities were noted for four years.

In the survey, the steps taken by people were counted and diseases were evaluated in this context. Those who took 8,000 to 9,000 steps per day had more medical benefits. Experts believe that if you walk 8,200 steps a day, it can greatly reduce obesity, insomnia, depression and conditions like indigestion or GERD.

Research has also shown that overweight people who take 6 to 11,000 steps per day can reduce their risk of obesity by 64%. Thus, a significant relationship between walking and warding off diseases has emerged.

Although 6,000 people participated in this study, the majority of them were white. In the next phase, people from other races and countries will also be included in the research.

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