A revolutionary material not even understood by scientists

Chicago: Scientists have created a new material that even they are unable to explain.

The researchers said that this material can be made like plastic but can conduct electricity like metal. Although this discovery goes against the expectations of scientists, it could lead to several developments in the future.

"Essentially, this material opens the door to a new type of material that can conduct electricity, is easier to shape, and is easier to shape," said John Anderson, associate professor of chemistry at the University of Chicago and senior author of the study. They are very strong in everyday conditions.

Scientists have created all kinds of elementary materials and the differences in these materials allow us to create different types of electrical devices that work in different situations.

But with all the differences, these basic materials also share some similarities. These materials are made of atoms or molecules that move in alignment and in dense rows, which scientists believe is necessary for the efficient conduction of electricity.

However, in this new study, scientists say they have created a new type of material in which the pieces are disordered, entangled, and still conduct electricity better.

According to Professor Andersen, it should not be basically a metal, but there is no solid theory to explain it.

The researchers said that this material can be given many different shapes.

Its makers have named it 'Esali Play-Doh' because it can conduct electricity even when molded into different shapes.

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