Pizza Roll

Cooking Ingredients:

1 cup of tail mince

2. Two and a half cups of flour

3 Salt to taste

4 tablespoons of dry yeast

5. One cup of tomato paste

6 chopped red chillies half a teaspoon

7. Half a cup of mozzarella cheese

8. Half a cup of cheddar cheese

9. Two tablespoons of margarine or butter

10 eggs a number

11. One teaspoon of sugar

12. Half a cup of milk

13 cooking oil four tablespoons

Cooking Instructions:

To make 1 tail keema, in 200 grams of keema, add a teaspoon of ginger, garlic, salt to taste, a teaspoon of crushed papaya, a crushed onion, a tablespoon of roasted ground chickpeas, red pepper and crushed hot spices. Add a teaspoon each and half a cup of curd and keep it for fifteen to twenty minutes.

2. Then cook the mincemeat on a low flame for so long that the mincemeat's own water dries up.

Add salt, sugar, yeast and warm milk to half a cup of flour and beat it. Cover and keep it in a warm place for five to seven minutes.

4 In a small saucepan, add red pepper, tomato paste and salt to margarine or butter and cook until thickened to make a sauce.

5 Add yeast flour, four tablespoons of cooking oil and egg to the flour and make a soft dough and cover and keep it in a warm place for a long time so that it swells well.

6 Roll out the kneaded dough and pour tomato sauce on it lengthwise first, then place the prepared mincemeat and roll it by sprinkling it on top.

7 Then cut one and a half to two inch pieces of this roll and bake it in a preheated oven at 180C for ten to twelve minutes.

8 Enjoy these delicious pizza rolls with tea or coffee.

Total preparation time                             40 minutes

Cooking time                                         15 minutes

How many people is it for?                         6 people

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