Scientists have finally reached the tallest tree in the world

BRASILIA: Scientists have finally reached the tallest tree in the Amazon rainforest, three years after Cambridge researchers spotted it.

This giant tree in northern Brazil is 290 feet tall and has a diameter of 32 feet.

Scientists discovered the tree in 2019 using LIDAR technology. But in the same year, the foot expedition to reach the tree failed.

LIDAR is a method of surveying the ground using a laser scanner mounted on an aircraft.

Despite the failure of the expedition, the University of Cambridge issued a press release showing videos and photos of the researchers climbing other giant trees in the region.

After three years of planning, five years of campaigning and two weeks of walking through the dense forest, the experts have now reached this giant tree.

In this journey, the researchers crossed a distance of about 483 km of the rapids of the Jari River, while 40.2 km walked through forests where no man had gone before.

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