Nan Khatai Biscuit

Cooking Ingredients:

1 cup flour (sifted) + 2 tbsp

2 basins 2 tbsp

3 baking soda 1/4 tsp

4 Coffee 1.1/2 tsp

5 finely ground sugar 1/2 cup

6 egg yolks a number

7 semolina one tablespoon

8 pistachios (finely chopped) 2 tbsp

9 A pinch of salt

10 ghee 1/2 cup

Cooking Instructions:

1 Mix flour, gram flour, baking soda, coffee and salt and filter

2 Combine ghee and sugar in a bowl

3 Add the sifted mixture to it and knead it

4 Make small balls of it and keep it on the baking tray and flatten it by pressing with your thumb

5 Apply yolk on it and sprinkle pistachios

6. Bake the tray in a preheated oven at 180C for 20 minutes and take it out

Full preparation time                                10 minutes

Cooking time                                            12 minutes

How many people is it for?                        6 persons

Calories                                                    61 calories

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